Are you considering buying an e-bike, an e-bike or a bicycle that you want to insure against theft or damage?
Why bike insurance?
Unlike car insurance, bicycle insurance is not compulsory. However, given the increase in sales of bicycles and VAE , this insurance is increasingly taken out. It covers the theft of the bike and any damage it may suffer .
Depending on the insurance and options, the annual cost of bicycle insurance is 4.5% to 7% of the purchase price of the bicycle . This insurance covers the theft and damage to the bike better than home insurance, which can be quite restrictive (for example on the times during which the bike is stolen).
For bicycles costing more than 1000€ (very frequently the case with an electric bicycle), bicycle insurance is therefore a wise choice. It generally reimburses the bike with a low deductible and no obsolescence rate for the first few years (variable depending on the insurance).
Bike theft: in Paris, bike thefts constitute 80% of vehicle thefts. One in five stolen bikes is an electric bike. In France, 500,000 bicycles are stolen each year and only 3% are returned to their owner without identification (source: Ministry of the Interior).
It is not compulsory to insure a classic (non-electric) bicycle but they can generally be covered on the same type of insurance as electric bicycles.
The electrically assisted bicycle (VAE) has an auxiliary motor which cuts off when the speed exceeds 25km/h and/or the cyclist stops pedalling. Note that financial aid is offered by the State for the purchase and use of a VAE. The insurance mentioned in this page concerns the VAE. Insurance is not compulsory for the VAE .
Its speed can reach 45km/h and its electric motor works whether the cyclist is pedaling or not. It is compulsorily insured , registered and is assimilated to a land motor vehicle. The “AM” license (former BSR, road safety certificate) is required for its piloting. This type of bike is not allowed on cycle paths and wearing a helmet is compulsory. The insurance mentioned on this page does not concern this type of bicycle which must be covered with insurance such as moped insurance.
What types of bicycles are insurable?
The most advanced bikes can cost several thousand dollars. The insurances provide for a ceiling (before application of the deductible) which can vary between €8,000 and €10,000. So be aware of this ceiling if your bike is expensive.
The deductible applied . You have to see if it applies to the new value or the discounted value (it is better to be in the second case)
🔎 Example of obsolescence rate: if your bike costs €4000, a obsolescence rate of 1%/month is applied and the theft occurs 20 months after the purchase of the bike, you will be reimbursed on the basis of 80% of the purchase value of the bike
Theft insurance will work if you have secured your bike with a certified lock . Check the model required by the insurer. to two locks, at least one of which appears in their list of approved locks.
A waiting period may apply , during which the bike may possibly be found. If found damaged, insurance may pay for repairs. After the waiting period, the insurance then covers the reimbursement of the bicycle to which an excess applies, ie an amount which will not be reimbursed and will remain at your expense.
In the event of theft, file a complaint within 24 hours and immediately follow the claims procedure detailed by your insurer. The declaration of theft to your insurance must generally be made within 48 hours.
Theft of battery and fixed equipment
Although secured with a key on some bikes, the battery can be stolen, as can other removable genuine accessories. It is advisable to always remove it when you leave your bike. In addition, a bicycle without a battery will have less interest for a prospecting thief. The theft of the battery can be insured by certain contracts as a fixed accessory .
For example, Ulygo offers this partial theft guarantee but on accessories attached to the bike. The battery must therefore not be removable without constraint.
Material damage insurance
In an act of vandalism, a fall, a collision with an animal or an accident, your bike may be damaged. The insurance will then cover the repair of the bike or the replacement if the repair is impossible . The damage caused by the fire of the battery of the electric bicycle can also be covered.
However, these contracts do not cover civil liability, ie the damage you may cause to third parties (physical, material or immaterial damage). They can sometimes be covered by your home insurance, check your contract.
Support and troubleshooting
Generally optional, this guarantee allows you to benefit from taxi transport when it is impossible to return home . This option can be useful for electric bikes or VAE which generally weigh between 20 and 30kg. When the bike no longer rolls and has to be worn, this guarantee is very useful! The scope of the guarantee differs significantly from one insurance to another, before subscribing to an assistance option, we advise you to check: