Truck Suspension System Maintenance Tips

Truck Suspension

Drivers use their vehicle to get from place to place as quickly and efficiently as possible, sometimes transporting other passengers in the process. If something goes wrong mechanically with a transport vehicle, someone experiences a little inconvenience and has trouble getting where they want to go.

When it comes to heavy trucks, people’s expectations of these vehicles are quite different. Although heavy trucks are also used as a means of transportation, the focus is on moving heavy loads, not people. By heavy loads, we refer to things like store goods, raw materials for manufacturing, building materials, and heavy equipment like bulldozers. When a heavy truck has a mechanical problem, stores don’t get goods, manufacturers can’t produce, builders can’t build, and a lot of people don’t get paid.

As a truck owner and driver, you rely on your vehicle to support you and your family. To protect your revenue stream, it’s your responsibility to ensure your truck is always running as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Since your business involves hauling heavy loads, often over long distances, your heavy truck’s suspension should always be one of your top concerns. It’s a part of your heavy truck’s infrastructure that requires regular maintenance and immediate repairs when needed.


If you want to properly maintain your heavy truck suspension, you need to know what components you need to maintain. Here is a list of the components that deserve the most attention to keep your suspension in top condition:

Truck Suspension System Maintenance Tips

It is important that you establish and maintain a regular maintenance schedule for your truck and especially for heavy duty suspension. The best plan for newer trucks would be to follow the truck manufacturer’s recommendations. For older heavy-duty truck models, you can set your maintenance schedule based on time (say, every six months) or miles driven. The kilometers driven option would be the best option for drivers who drive long distances.

As for which parts you should focus your maintenance efforts on, here are five must-have suspension parts for regular maintenance:

You should visually check the torque level every three to six months and, regardless of what you find, have the bindings retorqued at least once a year. Rust buildup around the gasket is a sign that readjustment and/or repair is needed.

Check U-bolts

Most truck suspension problems relate to U-bolts. They are susceptible to loosening and deterioration. They are prone to loosening and breaking regularly. These are the bolts that hold the axle clamp to the suspension, which puts them under great stress. Replacing and tightening the U-bolts may be necessary every 3,000 to 5,000 miles, depending on the road conditions being driven.

Check and replace the sockets

Socket problems can usually be determined by visual inspection. You need to look for gaps between the end caps and the fastener. An inspection must be carried out at least once every six months. Additionally, you should plan on having to replace your bushings perhaps once a year, depending on mileage and road conditions.

Control of lift and self-guided axles

This one can be a bit tricky. The best way to determine if there is an axle problem is to look at the tread of all the tires. If the tread begins to become more and more uneven in its wear, axle problems are likely present. For a smoother ride, regular adjustment of the leveling valves might be just what the doctor ordered.

Shock absorber maintenance

It won’t be hard to tell if your shocks are starting to show significant wear. You should notice the ride becoming more and more rough, and you should start to feel the effects of every major bump in the road. Even high-end shock absorbers need regular maintenance. As a general rule, you can consider replacing shock absorbers each time you buy new tires. It would also be a good idea to visually inspect your shocks every 10,000 to 20,000 miles, again depending on the condition of the road being driven.

When it’s time for the suspension inspections and repairs you need, you’ll want to take your heavy-duty truck to a professional mechanic with an excellent reputation. If you think I need a heavy duty truck suspension repair near me, we recommend you consider visiting .They have a reputation as one of the best heavy duty truck mechanics in the Laval, QC, Canada area.

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